Friday 15 August 2008

Croatian charity

I am typing this from a cot in a Franciscan monastery on the island of
Cres, where we were able to take shelter from a vicious thunderstorm
that prevented us reaching our destination for the day.

Having disembarked from our ferry, we were making good time when the
sky turned black, the rain started bucketing, and the wind started
blowing over the road signs. Thinking discretion the better form of
valour, we sought shelter in town instead of pressing on into the
gathering dark of the evening. However, not only was there no room at
any of the inns, but several people looked at the two desperate
travellers and laughed, or suggested we head out into the tempest for
the next town. This would be less disconcerting were it not the latest
in a long line of generally rude and unhelpful Croatians in hotels,
tourist offices and restaurants, making it instead the final straw.
(Jesse wants me to add that although this morning we were in a four
star hotel, he found people in Zadar so awful that he's far happier on
a stone floor this evening).

Our last resort tonight was an old barn with the door ajar; the
penultimate resort was this monastery where, after some coaxing
(involving Jesse waving his crucifix around) and some displays of
appropriate desperation, we have received some "caritas" (food and pot
of pasta) for which we are extremely grateful. It is nevertheless
still worth noting that none of the people who took us in are
Croatians; in one of life's nice little ironies the most helpful
people we've found in Croatia are a bunch of Germans...

Must go, monk giving me dirty look for playing with phone after lights
out. Ciao.

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